

Do you have a plan or formula or blueprint you follow?!!

Do you take conscious action steps to manifest already using all the tools you have available
applying and implementing from your hearts bliss..The visual mind mapping is fun..great tools is found on line
for specifically this purpose.
Also the soul has its own blueprint and way to take action true your deepest of the deepest place..it s up to you to take those courageous steps to manifest what ever it is urging you to do be or have of experience. Just listen what it has in store for you 2011..

I posted up a writing /new content this morning.a some photos of swans I found on lab loop previous years captured,and the amount I already have uploaded on photo bucket.(this too is an intresting fenomen..thus far..
when using it..as can be seen..here ..free tools are free tools..professional are professional..that is so true!
.well loads to go with..that I can use.and in various creative ways..

My action steps are these for the poetry...
*.attend  a webinar to birth a book-professional help
for how it is really made:=)

*take at least one digital photo and be in the nature every day to really FEEL the beauty and experience the

*be gentle to my self-

*act and implement learned
(creative application and implementation as possible bless)
*attend interesting webinarevents;on-line teleconferences/on line summits as possible..
*keep adding  content to existing on line presence..
*doing it the easy way..not the hard way..enjoying it all
* more light-hearted..laugh every day..enjoy the process and life and the now

*set a small achievable goals..so I can be proud of actually achieving it:=)

Do you have a strategy plan for the entire year how about your entire life..all those different areas..
Do you have all the tools for your goal..or do you need education ..let go of any old way doing things and
adapting some new methods..

..like me I been creating from the bliss of my heart..forgetting the finances..I wake up and have to put this
side in order so to say to be in balance and it is time for that now!


* coaches-mentors to guide you what ever professionals and tools needed for the next step(LEVEL)

.the spiritual is up to date!

and everyday

I take action
*and time to meditate in various ways..connecting with divine and my soul..using then intuitively
what I FEEL Is right for me..from within

even when adversity is playing up a lot lately!!In various forms..trying to distract from this inner peace and connection with the divine..

The feeling of oneness is not solely for organisations or various communities it is for
ALL PEOPLE to feel.

Health wise:=)

* drink more water.
.and stop being so judgemental about my self!!!

Not beating up my self so much..bless.

*eat healthier of course by adding more berries and vegetables:=)
enjoy exercising more..

Family and friends

*Listen more to the closest true needs.(my son as he is a teenager now..give trust and more space..too!!
*Take more time to relate and socialize.

well there are many many more possible and professional ways to do

 set goals and strategy plans.

The thing is we so many times tend to do this only in business.
..not actually sit down and implement and
apply this to our entire life.
Good life coaches are found and more are educated all the time.

As said we are not alone

.Share your experiences and journey.


..I started my poetry journey 1996..so it is still going on..well it is a journey..amongst other and a process..
Oh I forgot one point
* finished those started projects:=)


 Art by Heli_Aarniranta©
just got this coated to
finally ;kept postponing it a long time:=)!!

Just created this for the next step..and future in mind:=)

Poster Image
be-love here and
well might use this for the/ book cover : when ever;
and as visuals on the limited edition on the cd's..I have created already and used an other image for the 2009 limited edition cd I created of the audio poetry previously recorded and performed by me for the

*peace house" exhibition/event 2009
and the first time local/
NOW ANNUAL event ;

but first I will attend this on line teleseminar ,
HOW it is done professionally bless:=)

I love this picture;
because when looking at it here and the peace /harmony felt of the memory-- here my son that I had the pleasure to be with midsummer and take the bike ride and experience the souls bliss this sunny day on this particular spot of my daily meditation;
and the beautiful
picnic..is capturing the true essence of visual soul poetry;

" smiles from behind the heavens gate"

expressed in words..and
"the way of the soul ©2011" and soul way©series2010-2011

digital photography and abstract art and poetry-text lyrics words.
.(like divine-quotes on my digital art and photos.
computer art and some fabric and art on clothing designs..fun to explore various surfaces and medias..
and my all  200+-2010" soul solution" SERIES production..and my little collection on line of my visual presentations.expressions.;

I  wish to name and give titles to my content visual content and art collection and series that stems from my divine soul and expresses this..as i evolve and get skills to truly present all this I feel on my journey called life.









Drawing Abstract by Heli©Aarniranta